Aug 8, 2007
अच्छे बुरे
वो तो बेचारे खुद हैं भिखारी, डेरे डेरे फिरते हैं
एक नुज़ुमी दाग़ से कहता था आज
आपके दिन ए जनाब अच्छे नहीं
कोई पास आया सवेरे सवेरे
मुझे आजमाया सवेरे सवेरे
मेरी दास्ताँ को जरा सा बदल कर
मुझे ही सुनाया सवेरे सवेरे
जो कहता था कल शब् संभालना संभालना
वही लड़खड़ाया सवेरे सवेरे
कटी रात सारी मेरे मयकदे में
खुदा याद आया सवेरे सवेरे
फिकरे-मआश, इश्के-बुतां, यादे-राफ्तगां
रोजगार की फिकर/ बुत - god (also means lover)/ गुजरे दिनों की याद
एक जिंदगी में कोई क्या क्या किया करे
Open and Free Mind
This is how the FreeMind site describes it:
"FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping ( software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. We are proud that the operation and navigation of FreeMind is faster than that of MindManager because of one-click "fold / unfold" and "follow link" operations.
So you want to write a completely new metaphysics? Why don't you use FreeMind? You have a tool at hand that remarkably resembles the tray slips of Robert Pirsig, described in his sequel to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance called Lila. Do you want to refactor your essays in a similar way you would refactor software? Or do you want to keep personal knowledge base, which is easy to manage? Why don't you try FreeMind? Do you want to prioritize, know where you are, where you've been and where you are heading, as Stephen Covey would advise you? Have you tried FreeMind to keep track of all the things that are needed for that?"
There are so many possibilities with this small tool - taking notes in meeting, preparing strategy, using as task list, ...
Note that the software needs JRE (Java Runtime Environment). If you install the software and it doesn't work, try installing JRE first:
JRE Link and More Details
Searching Files with Google
I realize these are PDF files stored on some websites which Google has indexed. I also realize that contents available on net in the form of PDF/ PPT/ DOC/ XLS files are better resources than ubiquitous HTML pages.
Now the question: Is there any way I can search those files, and restrict my search results to File URL only.
Yes, if I add "filetype:PDF" in Google search box after search string, I'll get PDF files in search results.
There is another option: Google allows you to create Custom Searches. Using this feature it is possible to create a Custom Search box, which will search only files.
Go to Google and try this. If you don't want to dig into technical details, I've created one for me. This is also available at the bottom of my blogs.
When I do a file search, only links with files are returned. In addition, the result page provide filter for PDF/ DOC/ XLS/ PPT files.
Check this and add my blogs to your Favorites :)
Jul 10, 2007
Some Cool Translations….
Have a nice day!
----- अच्छा दिन लो!
What's up?
----- ऊपर क्या है?
You're kidding!
----- तुम बच्चा बना रहे हो!
Don't kid me!
----- मेरा बच्चा मत बनाओ!
Yo, baby! What's up?
----- बेटी यो, ऊपर क्या है?
Cool man!
----- ठंडा आदमी!
Check this out, man!
---- इसकी छानबीन करो, आदमी!
Don't mess with me, dude.
----- मेरे साथ गंदगी मत करो, ए व्यक्ति.
She's so fine!
----- वो इतनी बारीक है!
Listen buddy, that chick's mine, okay!?
----- सुनो दोस्त, वो चूजा मेरा है, ठीक?
Hey good looking; what's cooking?
---- अरे सुन्दरता की देवी; क्या पका रही हो?
Are you nuts?
----- क्या आप अखरोट हैं?
Son of a gun.
----- बच्चा बंदूक का.
Rock the party.
---- पार्टी में पत्थर फेको.
And the best ones are.....
How do you do?
----- कैसे करते हो?
Keep in touch!
----- छूते रहो.
Lets hang out!
----- चलो बाहर लटकते हैं
Jun 4, 2007
Most of us have used WinZip to handle zip files. It doesn't handle RAR files, so WinRAR is required. Similarly there are separate tools for handling ISO files.
There is one Open Source Software, which handles these all; and in addition there are more formats supported. 7-Zip is available at This is a good replacement for commercial versions of popular archiving softwares.
This is the feature list as per 7-Zip site:
- High compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression
- Supported formats:
Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR
Unpacking only: RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS - For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
- Self-extracting capability for 7z format
- Integration with Windows Shell
- Powerful File Manager
- Powerful command line version
- Plugin for FAR Manager
- Localizations for 63 languages
Blogger's Directory - if you have your own its good to have it listed here.
Jun 2, 2007
शायर: अख़्तर / मीना कुमारी
शेर कहते हो बहुत खूब तुम अख़्तर लेकिन
अच्छे शायर ये सुना है कि जवां मरते हैं
शाम तन्हा है, आसमां तन्हा
दिल मिला है कहॉ कहॉ तन्हा
बुझ गई आस, थम गई ज्योति
थरथराता रहा धुँआ तन्हा
There are softwares where more than one folder view is available in verticle or horizontal split.
2xExplorer has been there since long with a scaled down version for non-commercial use:
2xExplorer Site

There is another recent entry with similar feature:

Sooner or later, Windows Explorer will have to introduce this feature.
May 27, 2007
floAT's Mobile Agent
Here is the homepage at SourceForge:
This is what the homepage says about FMA:
FMA is a free powerful phone editing tool allowing users to easily manage all of the personal data stored in their phones, via a number of different connections methods. FMA allows easy management of Phonebook (both SIM and Phone memory), SMS, Profiles, and Files stored on the phone. FMA can also allow you to pickup and dial calls directly from your PC. FMA is fun and much more; whatever you want it to be, it is whatever a mobile phone should have :-) (Currently based on Sony Ericsson T610 features set).
शायर: फानी / हरिचंद अख़्तर
सांस / बीती उम्र / कब्र
जिंदगी नाम है मर मर के जिए जाने का
शबाब आया किसी बुत पर फ़िदा होने का वक़्त आया
मेरी दुनियां में बन्दे के खुदा होने का वक़्त आया
तकल्लुम के खामोशी कह रही है हर्फे-मतलब से
बातचीत / शब्दों के अर्थ
कि अश्क-आमेज़ नजरों से अदा होने का वक़्त आया
आंसू भरी
हमें भी आ पड़ा है दोस्तों से काम कुछ यानी
हमारे दोस्तों के बेवफा होने का वक़्त आया
Creating Documentation and Manuals
One option available in Open Source is LyX based documentation tools. I found it particularly good at creating bulky and complex documents.
There are more than one software that need to be installed in order to get a working LyX framework. Here are the tools, I used in my setup:
- LyX
- MiKTeX
- ImageMagick
- GhostScript
The basic difference in working with LyX and other common softwares is the appearience while writing documents. Instead of WYSIWYG, the approach is What You Mean Is What You Get. Normally, the document elements are styled as title, chapter, heading, and so on. Rest of the work is handled by LyX, when it processes and generate the document.
May 24, 2007
शायर: नामालूम
उसपे भला क्या बीती होगी जिसने शेर हजार कहे
अश'आर मेरे यूं तो ज़माने के लिए हैं
कुछ शेर फकत उनको सुनाने के लिए हैं
Apr 30, 2007
गूगल में हिंदी
बहुत अच्छा! यानी अब मैं कुछ पसंदीदा शेर यहाँ ला सकता हूँ.