Aug 8, 2007

अच्छे बुरे

चांद सितारों से क्या पूंछूं, दिन कब मेरे फिरते हैं
वो तो बेचारे खुद हैं भिखारी, डेरे डेरे फिरते हैं
एक नुज़ुमी दाग़ से कहता था आज
आपके दिन ए जनाब अच्छे नहीं


कोई पास आया सवेरे सवेरे
मुझे आजमाया सवेरे सवेरे

मेरी दास्ताँ को जरा सा बदल कर
मुझे ही सुनाया सवेरे सवेरे

जो कहता था कल शब् संभालना संभालना
वही लड़खड़ाया सवेरे सवेरे

कटी रात सारी मेरे मयकदे में
खुदा याद आया सवेरे सवेरे
फिकरे-मआश, इश्के-बुतां, यादे-राफ्तगां
रोजगार की फिकर/ बुत - god (also means lover)/ गुजरे दिनों की याद
एक जिंदगी में कोई क्या क्या किया करे

Open and Free Mind

Another cool tool from Open Source Software repository: FreeMind.
This is how the FreeMind site describes it:
"FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping ( software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. We are proud that the operation and navigation of FreeMind is faster than that of MindManager because of one-click "fold / unfold" and "follow link" operations.

So you want to write a completely new metaphysics? Why don't you use FreeMind? You have a tool at hand that remarkably resembles the tray slips of Robert Pirsig, described in his sequel to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance called Lila. Do you want to refactor your essays in a similar way you would refactor software? Or do you want to keep personal knowledge base, which is easy to manage? Why don't you try FreeMind? Do you want to prioritize, know where you are, where you've been and where you are heading, as Stephen Covey would advise you? Have you tried FreeMind to keep track of all the things that are needed for that?"

There are so many possibilities with this small tool - taking notes in meeting, preparing strategy, using as task list, ...

Here is the site link:

Note that the software needs JRE (Java Runtime Environment). If you install the software and it doesn't work, try installing JRE first:
JRE Link and More Details

Searching Files with Google

So I'm searching for something on Google again. What I'm getting in search results are some useful pages, mostly HTML pages. And yes, there are some result links with [PDF] mark.
I realize these are PDF files stored on some websites which Google has indexed. I also realize that contents available on net in the form of PDF/ PPT/ DOC/ XLS files are better resources than ubiquitous HTML pages.
Now the question: Is there any way I can search those files, and restrict my search results to File URL only.
Yes, if I add "filetype:PDF" in Google search box after search string, I'll get PDF files in search results.
There is another option: Google allows you to create Custom Searches. Using this feature it is possible to create a Custom Search box, which will search only files.
Go to Google and try this. If you don't want to dig into technical details, I've created one for me. This is also available at the bottom of my blogs.

When I do a file search, only links with files are returned. In addition, the result page provide filter for PDF/ DOC/ XLS/ PPT files.

Check this and add my blogs to your Favorites :)